Classification & Compensation

General Compensation Information

Acting Pay

Employees in acting budgeted positions will be compensated at the base wage or salary for the appropriate grade, unless otherwise authorized by the President or his designee.

Administrative, Professional, Managerial & Career Service employees

It is the intent of the college to maintain equity among newly hired employees and existing staff. The Chief Human Resources Officer (in accordance with accepted classification and compensation practices and in conjunction with the appropriate Senior Level Administrator responsible for recommending the hiring of a career service or administrative & professional employee), will determine the placement of positions within the wage or salary range of the assigned job classification. The appropriate hiring managers, with direction from their Senior Level Administrator, will rely on established SPC compensation practices (including the Salary Calculator) to recommend wage or salary levels for employees hired, promoted and/or transferred. The recommendation shall be reviewed by Human Resources before the final offer is extended by the appropriate hiring manager. The College will attempt to hire those candidates who can uniquely contribute to the mission of the College or the College’s strategic initiatives.

The salaries of Administrative and Professional staff grade V and higher may be determined by negotiations within the appropriate salary range. The President’s salary is set by contract with the Board of Trustees.

A promotion is defined as a move of a qualified employee from one class of positions to a different class of positions having a higher pay grade that results from either an approved individual reclassification or a request for a transfer when the employee successfully competes for a higher vacant position. When a career service employee receives a promotion to another career service position pursuant to a transfer, that employee will be in a probationary status as per Board of Trustees rule.

A change in grade resulting from a college-wide classification study or an individual reclassification will not result in the employee being placed in a probationary status. The Chief Human Resources Officer may at times seek the review/recommendation of an independent classification and compensation professional while also working closely with the appropriate Senior Level Administrator to determine the amount of pay increase, if any, within the new pay grade by considering prior job experience, market conditions, the number of years of experience of other employees within the same pay grade, and the qualifications required by the specific job description, unless otherwise authorized by the President or his designee.

A reduction in grade is defined as the move of an employee from one class of positions to a different class of positions having a lower pay grade. If an employee is reduced in grade as a result of action by the college, the employee shall be moved to the appropriate grade, but shall receive his/her present pay for the balance of the fiscal year. At the end of the fiscal year, the employee’s pay may be reviewed by the Chief Human Resources Officer and the appropriate Senior Level Administrator to ensure that it remains within the salary range for the new grade level.

Employees receiving a reduction in grade at their own request or due to inability to perform the required work will be adjusted to a lower job classification and pay grade. The amount of pay reduction, if any, will be determined by the Chief Human Resources Officer in conjunction with the appropriate Senior Level Administrator, and any pay reduction will become effective the date of the reduction in grade.

A lateral transfer is defined as the move of an employee from one class of positions to another class of positions having the same pay grade. It may include a move from one location to another. Employees are not entitled to receive a pay increase as a result of a lateral transfer, unless otherwise authorized by the President or his designee; However, the pay may be reviewed when the transfer is to a position substantially different in scope and minimum requirements from the position the employee is vacating.

Positions designated as Senior Management Service retirement are eligible for a benefit package that parallels that provided to State of Florida Senior Management Service employees to include payment for dependent health benefits, supplemental life insurance.

The President may, in exceptional, unusual or extenuating circumstances, authorize exceptions to any of the matters set forth above.

Maximum Wage or Salary

When faculty, administrative, professional and managerial, and career service employees reach the maximum wage or salary for their grades or transfer to positions where wages or salaries exceed the maximum for that classification, the wages or salaries may be red-lined (frozen). A wage or salary can only be increased when the wage or salary does not exceed the maximum for that grade, unless otherwise authorized by the President or his designee.

Benefits for Designated Employees

In certain circumstances the President or his designee may authorize purchase of uniforms and other protective clothing and equipment for designated employees.


Overtime compensation is paid to qualified employees for hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours within a workweek. Overtime must have the prior approval of the supervisor. Under exceptional circumstances, the supervisor may approve overtime retroactively. The overtime compensation rate is one and one-half (1-1/2) times the regular hourly rate of pay.

Emergency Work

If a non-exempt career service employee is required to come back to perform emergency work for the college, the employee shall be paid for a minimum of four (4) hours and shall be compensated at one and one-half (1-1/2) the employee’s regular hourly rate of pay.  Emergency work is defined as a task which, because of its nature, must be performed during a time when employees would not normally be available for work.

Holiday Work and Holiday Pay

Non-exempt career service budgeted employees who work on a date designated as a college holiday will be compensated one and one-half (1-1/2) times their regular pay in addition to pay for the holiday. Employees will receive compensation for a designated college holiday(s) so long as they work, or are on an approved leave of absence with pay, both the last workday prior to and the first workday after the holiday(s).

Wage or Salary Increase for Additional Responsibilities
(for Faculty, Administrative, Professional and Managerial, and Career Service Employees)

The President or his designee may approve a temporary wage or salary increase of up to and including ten (10) percent for an employee who is assuming the responsibilities of an unfilled position or of an employee who is absent from duty for an extended period of time. In order to qualify, the employee must assume substantial responsibilities of the absentee.

Third-shift differential

Third-shift differential applies to a schedule where the majority of standard work hours are after 7 p.m. Third-shift differential applies to specific hourly facilities positions only. E.G.: Custodians, maintenance workers, mechanical tradesworkers and security officers.

The third shift differential is $ .50 per hour.

Salary, wages and benefits adjustments

The Board of Trustees normally considers wage and salary increases on an annual basis, and if an increase is granted, the action taken by the Board shall be deemed to be included in the Salary Schedule.

Increases in salary, wages and/or benefits as set forth in the annual budget and/or other action approved by the Board of Trustees are by reference incorporated herein and effective as of July 1st of the Board of Trustees fiscal year, subject only to the Board of Trustees implementation of said increases or delegation of the authority to the President to implement the said increases.

Administrative, Professional, and Career Service Salary Grades

Salaried Grades

Grade Level Minimum Midpoint Maximum
101 $31,200.00  $39,000.00  $46,800.00
102 $32,760.00  $40,950.00  $49,140.00
103 $34,398.00  $42,997.50  $51,597.00
104 $36,117.90  $45,147.38  $54,176.85
105 $37,923.80  $47,404.74  $56,885.69
106 $39,819.98  $49,774.98  $59,729.98
107 $41,810.98  $52,263.73  $62,716.48
108 $44,319.64  $55,399.55  $66,479.46
109 $46,978.82  $58,723.53  $70,468.23
110 $49,797.55  $62,246.94  $74,696.33
111 $52,785.40  $65,981.75  $79,178.11
112 $55,952.53  $69,940.66  $83,928.79
113 $59,309.68  $74,137.10  $88,964.52
114 $62,868.26  $78,585.33  $94,302.39
115 $66,640.36  $83,300.45  $99,960.53
116 $71,305.18  $89,131.48  $106,957.77
117 $76,296.54  $95,370.68  $114,444.82
118 $81,637.30 $102,046.63  $122,455.95
119 $87,351.91 $109,189.89  $131,027.87
120 $93,466.55 $116,833.18  $140,199.82
121 $100,009.21  $125,011.51  $150,013.81
122 $107,009.85  $133,762.31  $160,514.77
123 $114,500.54  $143,125.67  $171,750.81
124 $122,515.58  $153,144.47  $183,773.37
125 $131,091.67  $163,864.58  $196,637.50
Hourly Grades

Grade Level Minimum Midpoint Maximum
101 $15.00  $18.75  $22.50
102 $15.75  $19.69  $23.63
103 $16.54  $20.67  $24.81
104 $17.36  $21.71  $26.05
105 $18.23  $22.79  $27.35
106 $19.14  $23.93  $28.72
107 $20.10  $25.13  $30.15
108 $21.31  $26.63  $31.96
109 $22.59  $28.23  $33.88
110 $23.94  $29.93  $35.91
111 $25.38  $31.72  $38.07
112 $26.90  $33.63  $40.35
113 $28.51  $35.64  $42.77
114 $30.23  $37.78  $45.34
115 $32.04  $40.05  $48.06
116 $34.28  $42.85  $51.42
117 $36.68  $45.85  $55.02
118 $39.25  $49.06  $58.87
119 $42.00  $52.50  $62.99
120 $44.94  $56.17  $67.40
121 $48.08  $60.10  $72.12
122 $51.45  $64.31  $77.17
123 $55.05  $68.81  $82.57
124 $58.90  $73.63  $88.35
125 $63.02  $78.78  $94.54


Temporary OPS Schedule

Grade Level Rate Positions
OPS Career Level 1 $15.00
OPS Career Level 2 $15.75
OPS Career Level 3 $16.54
OPS Career Level 4 $17.36
OPS Career Level 5 $18.23
OPS Career Level 6 $19.14
OPS Career Level 7 $20.10
OPS Career Level 8 $21.31
OPS Professional $26.01
OPS Volunteer $0.00
Temporary OPS Schedule
Grade Level Rate Positions
OPS Career Level 1 $15.00
OPS Career Level 2 $15.75
OPS Career Level 3 $16.54
OPS Career Level 4 $17.36
OPS Career Level 5 $18.23
OPS Career Level 6 $19.14
OPS Career Level 7 $20.10
OPS Career Level 8 $21.31
OPS Professional $26.01
OPS Volunteer $0.00
Student Employment Schedule

Our FAS Webpage offers a full update of the current Student Employment Schedule.

Grade Level Rate
FAS Peer Advisor (Financial Aid) $15.00
Peer Advisor (Student Assistant) $15.00
Student Ambassador (Student Assistant Funded) $15.00
Student Assistant on Campus $15.00
Federal Work Study on Campus $15.00
Student Tutors (America Reads/America Counts) $15.00
SPC Read Up Tutors (Federal Work Study) $15.00
FAAME Student Ambassadors $16.53
Collegiate High School Salary Schedule

There are two schedules for Collegiate High School employees. The Grandfathered Schedule will be available only to Collegiate High School employees hired before July 1, 2014. Under the Grandfathered Schedule in order to receive the same pay increase as other college employees, such Collegiate High School employees must be rated at least “effective” to receive the full BOT-approved increase. Collegiate High School employees who are rated “needs improvement” or “unsatisfactory” will receive 50 percent of the BOT-approved increase.

The Pay-for-Performance portion of the schedule shall be administered as follows:

  1. Base compensation. Faculty of the Collegiate High School falling under this salary schedule shall be paid at the state minimum wage for full-time classroom teachers. Administrators falling under this Salary Schedule will be paid according to the grade where their position falls on the Administrative & Professional Salary Schedule, with no differentiation for the administrators’ degree level. The college has the authority to offer an annual supplement for level of degree.
  1. Salary adjustments. Employees deemed “highly effective” shall receive the greatest possible salary adjustment. Employees must be rated “highly effective” or “effective” in order to receive a salary adjustment.
  1. Contracts. Employees must be on an annual or probationary contract. This aligns with the current St. Petersburg College practice of placing new faculty on annual contracts.

Collegiate High School Salary Schedule



Entry Salary










General Support Schedule
Grade Level Minimum Maximum
Grade 1 Routine $8.56 $8.56
Grade 2 Moderate $8.81 $8.81
Grade 3 Diverse $9.52 $9.52

Faculty & Adjunct Schedules

Faculty Equated Credit Hour (ECH) Schedule

Faculty Job Descriptions

30 Equated Credit Hour (ECH)

I Associate’s $32,255
II Bachelor’s $35,479
III Master’s $39,029
IV Master’s +30 $42,930
V Doctorate $47,225


36 Equated Credit Hour (ECH)

I Associate’s $37,947
II Bachelor’s $41,742
III Master’s $45,916
IV Master’s +30 $50,508
V Doctorate $55,557


42 Equated Credit Hour (ECH)

I Associate’s $42,880
II Bachelor’s $47,167
III Master’s $51,884
IV Master’s +30 $57,074
V Doctorate $62,780


Academic Department Chair Stipends – 36 ECH Base + Stipend

Master’s $13,197 $16,106
Master’s +30 $14,020 $17,217
Doctorate $14,895 $18,390
Adjunct & Other Supplemental Salary Schedules

This schedule covers (1) credit courses taught by full-time St. Petersburg College staff as a supplement, (2) credit courses taught by staff not under annual or continuing contract with the college and expressed in equated credit hours, (3) payment for responsibilities expressed in equated credit hours for duties performed by full-time staff beyond contract minimums. If the amount of overload is less than one hour, payment will be on a pro rata basis.

Adjustments in pay for extra ECH or other supplements do not calculate into final pay-out for sick leave and vacation leave.

Lower Division Rate per Equated Credit Hour

Associate’s $ 615 $ 1,147
Bachelor’s $ 675 $ 1,262
Master’s $ 753 $ 1,388
Master’s + 30/Bachelor’s +62 $ 803 $ 1,526
Doctorate $ 854 $ 1,678

* Total pay for Hard-to-Fill Adjunct is calculated using ECH values which have been derived from the full-time faculty salary schedule.

The total of all combined work for the college by a non-budgeted employee must not, on average, exceed 29 hours per week.

Upper Division Rate per Equated Credit Hour

Grade Salary Per Equated Credit Hour
Bachelor’s $ 835
Master’s $ 921
Master’s +30/Bachelor’s +62 $ 986
Doctorate $ 1,053

(Any variations in the above rates of pay must be approved by the Board of Trustees.)

Distinguished Faculty Adjunct Rate per Equated Credit Hour

Distinguished Faculty $2,678

(Any variations in the above rates of pay must be approved by the Board of Trustees.)  Please note, salary grade is not related to CETL Distinguished Faculty Award.

High Technology Certification Programs

Competition for a very limited number of instructors with the proper certification necessitates paying a rate close to the industry. As a result, instructors will be paid the following for the different certification programs:

Community College Certificate – Information Technology (IT) Security Certificate Rate
Instructors for courses (ISM 3320, ISM3324, & ISM 3330) in the IT Security Certificate program when instructors have passed an IT security exam in the appropriate specialty area in which they will be teaching. $1,286 per ECH
Bachelor of Applied Science in Technology Management
Instructors for ETI 4448 (Applied Project Management), when the instructors hold certification from the Project Management Institute. $1,072 per ECH



Full-time or acting full-time faculty on a 30 or 36 ECH contract teaching in excess of three preparations as part of the base contract. Courses with the highest ECH will be counted first towards the base contract in determining the number of excess preparations. Lab sections or portions of courses count as a different preparation only when the lab is significantly different from the lecture portion of the course, as determined by the Dean.

$104.50 stipend for each ECH over three preparations with a maximum per semester of $627.
Collegiate High School Rate
Adjunct instructors teaching in the Collegiate High School Program. $26.13 per classroom contact hour
Non-Credit Course Rate
The normal hourly rate to be paid for non-credit courses. $13.59 per contact hour of instruction.
A Senior-Level approver can approve an hourly rate in excess of $13.59 but not more than $54.50 per contact hour in extraordinary or exceptional circumstances in accordance with the appropriate level derived from the following Non-Credit Instructional Payment Level Determination Table. $13.59 but not more than $53.82 per contact hour
An hourly rate in excess of $54.50 per contact hour must be approved by the Board of Trustees. + $53.82
Credit Technical/Subject Matter Expert and Noncredit Payment Table
The structure, content, and mandated student-instructor ratios of many courses within the Public Safety Programs require the use of technical and subject matter experts in support of the instructor of record. Hourly payment allows for the efficient and appropriate payment to these instructors used in support of the instructor of record. For their pay rate, the Credit Technical/Subject Matter Expert and Noncredit Payment Table will be used.

Non-credit Instructional Payment Level Determination Table

Presenter Credentials 
Author Copy-
High Demand/High Visibility Set Fee
Audience Personal Development

Level 1



Level 1



Level 1



Level 2



Level 2



Personal Development
Level 1 $13.59

Level 1  $13.59



Level 2  $19.33

Level 2



Level 3  $25.08



Level 4  $30.83

Level 3  $25.08



Level 4  $30.83

Cognitive Skills

Level 1



Level 1  $13.59



Level 2  $19.33

Level 2



Level 3  $25.08



Level 4  $30.83

Level 3  $25.08



Level 4  $30.83

Professional Technical

Level 1  $13.59



Level 1b $14.11

Level 2



Level 3  $25.08



Level 4  $30.83

Level 4  $30.83



Level 5  $36.58

Level 4  $30.83



Level 5  $36.58

Specialist Professional
Level 1b $14.11 or               Level 2 $19.33

Level 2



Level 4  $30.83



Level 5  $36.58

Level 4  $30.83



Level 5  $36.58

Level 5  $36.58



Level 6  $42.32

(Agency Supported)

Level 1  $13.59



Level 2  $19.33

Level 3  $25.08



Level 4  $30.83

Level 5  $36.58



Level 6  $42.32

Level 6  $42.32



Level 7  $48.07

Level 8  $53.82



BOT Approval

Substitute Pay

Substitute pay for credit instruction $27.43 per contact hour (50 minutes)

Academic Competition Salary Schedule

As per the Board of Trustees rule, student organization advisors must be full-time faculty, administrative & professional, or career exempt.

Academic Head Coach $1,254 annually
Academic Assistant Coach $783.75 annually

Experiential Learning Salary Schedule*

Portfolio Evaluation $26.13 per clock hour, maximum 3 hours per course

* Salaried Non-Faculty personnel may not receive supplemental pay for experiential learning assessment.

Dual Enrollment Program Liaison

Dual Enrollment Liaison $260 base pay per term
Offsite course rate $26 per course section offered

Writing Assessment Salary Schedule

Gordon Rule Writing Requirement Assessment for CLEP Credit in ENC 1101 and ENC 1102 $104.50 per course
Holistic reading of essays for the Placement Test, Progress Assessment Tests, Comprehensive English Language Test, and Pathways Program $15.68 per clock hour

Miscellaneous Stipend Salary Schedule

Recipients of stipends from the Miscellaneous Salary Schedule must be in budgeted, salaried positions.

 Athletic Director – responsible for managing the College’s intercollegiate and other athletics programs, including planning, leading, coordinating, and evaluating all athletic programs and functions. $15,000.00 stipend
 FGO Site Representative $4,633.68 stipend
 FGO President $5,792.11 stipend
Full-time Faculty supplemental non-instructional assignments $26.13 per hour
 Health Academic Education Oversight $8,000 stipend
 Lead Technology Resource Specialist (TRS) $827.44 per 6 months
 Leepa-Rattner Museum Development Project $5,355.62 stipend
 Mentor Faculty from other countries (Budgeted Faculty Only) $535.56 – $1,606.69 stipend
 Nursing Curriculum Leader $827.44 stipend
 Phi Theta Kappa Mentor for terms I and II only each year. $1,853.48 stipend
 Pro Tools and Venue Certification $76.88 per hour
 Special Projects approved by the President $535.56 – $5,355.63 stipend based on the scope of the project
 Supplemental Work for Salaried Employees* $200.00 per week
 Teaching Program Coordinator $5,278.75 stipend
 Voice Over Talent – Marketing & Strategic Communications videos, and radio and TV commercials $80.34-$107.11 stipend based on the scope of performance

*If a salaried (exempt-status) employee is required to perform supplemental work for the college that: 1) requires not less than two hours; 2) cannot be accomplished at any other time; and 3) is beyond the employee’s normal work week (defined as an extraordinary task which, because of its nature, must be performed at a time when employees would not normally be available for work), then — with the approval of the Senior Vice President/President Direct Report responsible for that area — the employee may be paid a stipend of $200 for the workweek in which this occurs.

Sign Language Interpreters & C-print Captionists

National Certification National Interpreter Certification $37.57
National Certification Certificate of Interpretation & Certificate of Transliteration $37.57
National Certification Comprehensive Skills Certificate $37.57
National Certification National Association of the Deaf Level 5 $37.57
National Certification Certificate of Interpretation $32.88
National Certification Certificate of Transliteration $32.88
National Certification National Association of the Deaf level 4 $32.88
National Certification Interpretation Certificate & or Transliteration Certificate (Old System) $32.88
State Qualification Quality Assurance Level 3 $23.48
State Qualification Educational Interpreter Evaluation Level 3 $23.48
State Qualification Quality Assurance Level 2 $23.48
State Qualification Educational Interpreter Evaluation Level 2 $23.48
C-Print Captionists 1 – 3 Years Experience $23.48
C-Print Captionists 4 – 6 Years Experience $32.88
C-Print Captionists 7+ Years Experience $37.57

Project-Deliverable Salary Schedule

A project-deliverable is tangible as well as verifiable. To be verifiable, the deliverable must meet predetermined standards for its completion. The project should not be part of the employee’s normally compensated duties or normal work hours.

Examples include but are not limited to:
• Course refresh
• Course development
• Study guide, exam creation, written tutorial
• Video or audio recording
• Training module creation
• Website creation
• Textbook creation/rewrite
• Workshops – preparation/presentation

Project-Deliverable Guidelines

  • Project deliverables must be specified and approved in advance of the appointment and submitted to HR via the Personnel Action Authorization Request (ePAAR).
  • Each lump-sum defined project-deliverable is based on a minimum of 32 hours of work.
  • Lump-sum payments will be made following completion and verification to Human Resources for all project deliverables (and certification of minimum contact hours).
  • Adjustments in pay for extra ECH or other supplements do not calculate into final payout for vacation or sick leave.

Budgeted, salaried employees producing a project deliverable will be compensated from the following table:


Pay Rate Per Project-Deliverable


(for budgeted salaried employees only)

(each defined project-deliverable is based on a minimum of 32 hours of work)

A ≤ BA $522.50 per defined project-deliverable
B ≥ MA $783.75 per defined project-deliverable
C* $1,045.00 per defined project-deliverable
D* $1,306.25 per defined project-deliverable

Non-budgeted and budgeted employees producing a project deliverable less than 32 hours will be compensated from the following table.

The following criteria must be adhered to:


  • The total of all combined work for the college must not exceed 29 hours per week for non-budgeted employees
  • Before work on the project begins for non-budgeted employees, deliverables must be approved via the Hours Worked Assessment Tool.
Level Pay Rate Per Project-Deliverable
A ≤ BA $16.33 per hour
B ≥ MA $24.49 per hour
C* $32.66 per hour
D* $40.82 per hour

* Rates of pay in levels C-D may be based on one or more of the following criteria:
–      Recognized Specialized Expertise

–      Recognized Technical Expertise

–      Specialized Certification

Temporary Specialized Rates

Position Rate
Fine & Applied Arts – Music ensemble coaching, rehearsal and performance $55.17
Fine & Applied Arts – Piano accompaniment $25.00
OPS Librarians $22.22
Nursing Skills Facilitator $21.81


Series Title/Job Family Series Level Job Classification Title/Job Code Description Salary Admin Plan Grade
Academic Instruction 1 of 1 Faculty FAC N/A
1 of 1 Faculty, 12 Month F12 N/A
1 of 1 Teacher, Collegiate High School FAC N/A
Academic Leadership 1 of 5 Assistant Dean A&P 119
2 of 5 Associate Dean A&P 121
3 of 5 Dean A&P 122
4 of 5 Associate Academic Vice President A&P 122
5 of 5 Senior Academic Vice President A&P 125
Academic Program 1 of 6 Academic Program Coordinator A&P 109
2 of 6 Senior Academic Program Coordinator A&P 113
3 of 6 Academic Program Manager A&P 114
4 of 6 Academic Program Director A&P 117
5 of 6 Senior Academic Program Director A&P 119
6 of 6 Executive Academic Program Director A&P 121
Academic Records 1 of 3 Academic Records Specialist CS 104
2 of 3 Academic Records Supervisor CS 106
3 of 3 Academic Records Coordinator A&P 114
Accounting/Finance 1 of 9 Accounting Support Assistant CS 102
2 of 9 Accounting Support Technician CS 103
3 of 9 Accounting Support Specialist CS 104
4 of 9 Payroll Specialist CS 105
5 of 9 Accounting Support Supervisor CS 106
6 of 9 Accounting/Financial Analyst A&P 110
7 of 9 Senior Accounting/Financial Analyst A&P 112
8 of 9 Accountant/Business Manager A&P 114
8 of 9 Payroll Manager A&P 114
9 of 9 Accounting and Financial Director A&P 117
Administrative Leadership 1 of 5 Administrative Director A&P 119
2 of 5 Executive Director A&P 119
3 of 5 Executive Administrative Director A&P 121
4 of 5 Associate Administrative Vice President A&P 122
5 of 5 Senior Administrative Vice President A&P 125
Administrative Services 1 of 8 Administrative Services Assistant CS 102
2 of 8 Senior Administrative Services Assistant CS 103
3 of 8 Administrative Services Specialist CS 104
4 of 8 Senior Administrative Services Specialist CS 105
5 of 8 Executive Administrative Services Specialist CS 106
5 of 8 Senior Data Management Specialist CS 106
6 of 8 Administrative Services Supervisor CS 106
7 of 8 Administrative Services Coordinator A&P 108
8 of 8 Administrative Manager A&P 112
Athletics 1 of 2 Athletics Coach A&P 108
2 of 2 Athletics Director A&P 114
Business Development 1 of 3 Business Development Representative A&P 108
2 of 3 Business Development Officer A&P 114
3 of 3 Business Development Executive Director A&P 121
Custodial Services 1 of 4 Custodian CS 101
2 of 4 Lead Custodian CS 102
3 of 4 Custodial Supervisor CS 104
4 of 4 Senior Custodial Supervisor CS 105
Development 1 of 5 Development Specialist A&P 108
2 of 5 Development Officer A&P 111
3 of 5 Senior Development Officer A&P 116
4 of 5 Executive Director of Development A&P 121
5 of 5 Senior Administrative VP Development A&P 125
Facilities Management 1 of 4 Facilities Coordinator A&P 110
2 of 4 Senior Facilities Coordinator A&P 111
3 of 4 Facilities Manager A&P 113
4 of 4 Facilities Director A&P 117
Facilities Services 1 of 4 Facilities Technician CS 101
2 of 4 Facilities Specialist CS 104
3 of 4 Senior Facilities Specialist CS 105
4 of 4 Facilities Supervisor CS 108
Grant Development 1 of 3 Grant Associate A&P 109
2 of 3 Grant Writer A&P 111
3 of 3 Grant Management Coordinator A&P 113
Graphic Design 1 of 2 Graphic Designer CS 104
2 of 2 Graphic Design Manager A&P 111
Human Resources 1 of 9 HR Assistant CS 104
2 of 9 HR Specialist CS 107
3 of 9 HR Partner CS 109
4 of 9 HR Coordinator A&P 109
5 of 9 HR Analyst A&P 109
6 of 9 HR Manager A&P 113
6 of 9 HR Program Manager A&P 113
7 of 9 HR Associate Director A&P 116
8 of 9 HR Operations Director A&P 117
9 of 9 Chief HR & Talent Officer A&P 124
Information Technology 1 of 8 Information Technology Technician CS 108
2 of 8 Information Technology Specialist CS 109
3 of 8 Associate Systems Analyst-VDI A&P 114
4 of 8 Information Technology Analyst A&P 115
5 of 8 Information Technology Coordinator A&P 117
5 of 8 Senior Information Technology Analyst A&P 117
6 of 8 Database Administrator A&P 119
6 of 8 Information Technology Manager A&P 119
7 of 8 Information Technology Director A&P 122
8 of 8 VP of Information Technology/Chief Information Officer A&P 125
Information Technology Support 1 of 3 Technology Support Specialist CS 107
1 of 3 Technology Support Specialist (Enrollment Services) CS 107
2 of 3 Senior Technology Support Specialist CS 108
3 of 3 Technology Support Supervisor CS 111
Institutional Effectiveness 1 of 8 Research Specialist CS 104
2 of 8 Curriculum Developer A&P 108
3 of 8 Research Analyst A&P 109
4 of 8 Data Analyst A&P 113
5 of 8 Institutional Effectiveness Coordinator A&P 115
6 of 8 Institutional Effectiveness Associate Director A&P 116
7 of 8 Institutional Effectiveness Director A&P 118
8 of 8 Institutional Effectiveness Executive Director A&P 121
Instructional Support 1 of 4 Instructional Support Specialist CS 104
2 of 4 Senior Instructional Support Specialist CS 105
2 of 4 Nursing Senior Instructional Support Specialist CS 109
3 of 4 Instructional Support Coordinator A&P 109
4 of 4 Instructional Support Manager A&P 113
Instructional Technology 1 of 7 Accessibility Technician CS 104
2 of 7 Video Production Specialist CS 106
2 of 7 Instructional Design Technician A&P 108
3 of 7 Instructional Design Specialist A&P 109
3 of 7 Instructional Design/Facilitator A&P 109
4 of 7 Instructional Technology Analyst A&P 112
5 of 7 Instructional Technology Coordinator A&P 113
5 of 7 Senior Instructional Technology Analyst A&P 113
6 of 7 Instructional Technology Project Manager A&P 114
7 of 7 Instructional Technology Director A&P 116
Laboratory Support 1 of 4 Laboratory Specialist CS 104
2 of 4 Laboratory Coordinator A&P 108
3 of 4 Nursing Skills Lab Facilitator A&P 110
4 of 4 Clinical Simulation Coordinator A&P 113
Landscaping 1 of 3 Landscaper CS 101
2 of 3 Senior Landscaper CS 102
3 of 3 Landscaper Supervisor CS 104
Legal Services 1 of 4 Legal Services Coordinator A&P 115
2 of 4 Compliance Officer A&P 115
3 of 4 Associate General Counsel A&P 119
4 of 4 General Counsel A&P 124
Library Services 1 of 6 Library Services Technician CS 101
2 of 6 Senior Library Services Technician CS 102
3 of 6 Library Services Paraprofessional CS 103
4 of 6 Learning Resources Supervisor CS 107
5 of 6 Reference & Instruction Librarian A&P 109
6 of 6 Library Program Director A&P 114
Marketing/Communications 1 of 4 Marketing Specialist CS 106
2 of 4 Marketing Coordinator A&P 108
2 of 4 Multimedia Content Developer A&P 108
3 of 4 Marketing/Communications Manager A&P 111
4 of 4 Assistant Marketing/Communications Director A&P 116
Materials Management 1 of 6 Materials Management Assistant CS 101
2 of 6 Materials Management Specialist CS 104
3 of 6 Senior Materials Management Specialist CS 105
4 of 6 Materials Management Supervisor CS 108
5 of 6 Materials Management Manager A&P 111
6 of 6 Materials Management Director A&P 114
Multimedia Services 1 of 6 Multimedia Services Assistant CS 102
2 of 6 Multimedia Services Specialist CS 104
3 of 6 Multimedia Services Supervisor CS 107
4 of 6 Media Services Coordinator A&P 108
5 of 6 Producer A&P 108
6 of 6 Broadcast Services Manager A&P 108
Museum 1 of 4 Museum Preparator CS 106
2 of 4 Assistant Curator A&P 108
3 of 4 Museum Curator A&P 111
4 of 4 Museum Director A&P 117
Performance Operations 1 of 5 Performance Support Specialist CS 104
2 of 5 Performance Operations Manager A&P 108
3 of 5 Senior Performance Operations Manager A&P 111
4 of 5 Performance Operations Director A&P 115
5 of 5 Executive Performance Operations Director A&P 117
President 1 of 1 President A&P Ungraded
Print Services 1 of 3 Print Services Technician CS 105
2 of 3 Senior Print Services Technician CS 106
3 of 3 Print Services Supervisor CS 111
Project Management 1 of 5 Project Activities Specialist CS 107
2 of 5 Project Coordinator A&P 109
3 of 5 Senior Project Coordinator A&P 109
3 of 5 Project Manager A&P 110
4 of 5 Grant Project Manager A&P 111
5 of 5 Project Director A&P 117
Range 1 of 1 Range Master A&P 108
Risk Management 1 of 3 Risk Management Specialist CS 104
2 of 3 Risk Management Coordinator A&P 109
3 of 3 Emergency Management Coordinator A&P 109
Security 1 of 5 Security Officer CS 102
2 of 5 Senior Security Officer CS 103
3 of 5 Campus Safety Officer CS 104
4 of 5 Security Supervisor CS 106
5 of 5 Security Director A&P 117
Sign Language Interpretation 1 of 3 Sign Language Interpreter CS 108
2 of 3 Senior Sign Language Interpreter A&P 109
3 of 3 Lead Sign Language Interpreter A&P 110
Student Recruiting 1 of 1 Admissions Recruiter CS 108
Student Services Leadership 1 of 5 Associate Chief Campus Officer (Associate Provost) A&P 120
2 of 5 Student Services Executive Director A&P 121
3 of 5 Associate Student Services Vice President A&P 122
4 of 5 Chief Campus Officer (Provost) A&P 123
5 of 5 Senior Student Services Vice President A&P 125
Student Services Professional 1 of 5 Career and Academic Advisor A&P 108
1 of 5 Student Support Counselor A&P 108
2 of 5 Senior Student Support Counselor A&P 109
3 of 5 Student Support Manager A&P 112
4 of 5 Student Support Assistant Director A&P 114
5 of 5 Student Support Director A&P 117
Student Services Support 1 of 4 Student Support Assistant CS 101
2 of 4 Student Support Specialist CS 103
3 of 4 Student Support Advisor CS 105
4 of 4 Student Activities Coordinator A&P 108
Transportation 1 of 2 Bus Operator CS 103
2 of 2 Transportation Supervisor CS 107
Veterinary 1 of 2 Veterinary Technician CS 103
2 of 2 Senior Veterinary Technician CS 104
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