COVID-19 Training Overview
Eligible employees can take SPC’s COVID-specific professional development opportunity through October 24th, 2021, and receive a $1000 one-time supplemental pay. This training will enhance skills relevant to a remote/hybrid working environment and the current Coronavirus pandemic.
Log into Percipio to start your coursework today!

Completion Deadline
Key Details
- Opens on August 23rd at 8 am.
- Closes on October 24th at 11:59 pm.
- Must complete the training outside of working hours
- Must complete a survey in addition to completing the training. This survey will be emailed to you.
- Deadline to complete the survey is October 31 at 11:59 pm.
- Must complete both the training and the survey to receive an incentive payment.
- A separate payment to employees will be in Mid-November.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible for this professional development opportunity?
All permanent budgeted full-time and part-time employees (Career Service, A&P, and full-time Faculty) are eligible to take this optional training outside of your normal working hours for a one-time supplemental pay of $1000. If you are not sure if you fall into this category, please ask your supervisor or reach out to the Office of Organizational and Employee Success for clarification.
Who is not eligible?
At this time, the supplemental pay is not available to OPS employees, adjuncts, or any non-budgeted employee. However, these employees can still access the training.
I am paid off a grant, does that count?
Grant funded employees who are also permanent budgeted employees are eligible to receive the $1000 one-time supplemental pay. If you are not sure if you fall into this category, please reach out to the Grants Department or OES for clarification.
Is the payment taxable?
Yes, the $1000 one-time supplemental pay is 100% taxable income.
Why aren’t adjuncts eligible to take this training and earn the one-time supplemental pay?
The adjunct employee classification, as well as OPS personnel, varies considerably from person to person (i.e. an adjunct may teach Fall 2021 8-week 1 and not again until the following Fall). Due to the variability of this employee classification, SPC is unable to offer a one-time supplemental pay at a set amount that would be equitable to what is being offered to employees who are full-time budgeted.
The training itself is available in Percipio for anyone that would like to take it, regardless of their eligibility for the supplemental pay.
What are the requirements to receive the $1000 supplemental pay?
- The training must be completed outside normal working hours.
- You must complete all of the training modules by the October 24th deadline.
- You must submit the survey by the October 31st deadline.
- You must be a budgeted employee (see eligibility requirements).
When will I receive the payment?
Payments will be processed all at once and are anticipated in Mid-November, after the training opportunity ends.
What does "outside normal working hours" mean and why is this necessary?
Due to the restrictions of the Federal Covid-relief funding supporting this opportunity, this training must be classified as additional/overtime work associated with coronavirus. Therefore, it is necessary that you take the course before or after your regular shift or on your lunch break. As schedules vary greatly, it is up to the individual to determine the appropriate time to engage in this training. During the completion survey, participants will be required to attest that this rule was followed. If necessary, however, we are able to pull reports to verify.
How do I access the training?
When you log into Percipio with your SPC credentials, you will see the Covid-19 Professional Development assignment listed at the very top of the page. Click on the assignment. If you do not see the assignment, please contact Kathleen Waugh
I am eligible and have logged into Percipio for the first time, but do not have an assignment. What should I do? Here
If this was your first time logging into the learning management system and you were prompted to create a new account, the OES team has not yet been able to assign the training to your account. Please send an email to OES for assistance.
I am not eligible, but would like to take the training anyway. Can I? How do I find it?
Absolutely! All SPC employees may take the training, however, only eligible employees can receive the payment. To locate the training, log into Percipio with your SPC credentials, and search for the “Covid-19 Training Channel”.
I took the training, but can’t find the survey. What do I do?
Be on the lookout for an email in your SPC account! The Office of Organizational & Employee Success will be running reports on a weekly basis and will be emailing eligible employees the survey link once they have completed the entire training.
If you have not received the survey link within one week of completing the training, please contact the Office of Organizational and Employee Success
A new hire is starting in our department, are they eligible for this opportunity?
Yes! New permanent budgeted employees, that have a start date prior to Oct. 24th, and are able to complete the training by that deadline, will receive the one-time supplemental pay. There are no extensions available.
How long do I have to complete the training?
In order to receive the $1000 supplemental payment, training must be fully completed by 11:59 PM on October 24, 2021. However, all employees will have access to the training courses for one year.
How long do I have to complete the survey to receive the payment?
The survey will close at 11:59 PM on October 31, 2021. We encourage you to complete the survey as soon as you receive it in your SPC email inbox.
What if I don’t finish the training by October 24th?
There are no exceptions. You must complete the training and survey by the deadlines to receive payment. Complete all of the training modules by October 24th and submit the survey by October 31st, 2021. There is no partial payment for the partial completion of the modules.
What kind of assistance is available for those who speak another language or need additional tools for accessibility?
During the training, you have the option to change the closed captions to different languages, including Spanish. If another language or additional tools are needed for accessibility, please email for accommodations.
I heard that senior administrators and executives were not eligible. Is this true?
Senior administrators and executives are not eligible to receive any benefits through the Federal COVID-relief funds. However, SPC has provided additional funding to cover the $1000 supplemental pay for these individuals so that they may also participate in this professional development opportunity.
How is the college funding this?
This opportunity is being supported in part by federal COVID relief funding that the College received through The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF). This funding allows the college to support faculty and staff training related to the Coronavirus Pandemic. SPC has also provided additional funding to support this opportunity for those employees whose classifications are not eligible for HEERF under federal guidelines.
Completion Deadline
Computers Are Available to Complete the Training!
Computer Labs have been reserved on each campus for any employee who would like to complete training outside working hours (Take a late lunch or work before your shift begins!) Feel free to come and go as you please.
Computer Lab Schedule
Campus | Days | Times | Room |
Clearwater | Wednesdays & Thursdays | 1:30pm-2:30pm | ES-222 |
St. Pete/Gibbs | Tuesdays & Thursdays | 1:30pm-2:30pm | TE-230 |
Seminole | Mondays & Fridays | 1:30pm-2:30pm | UP-239 |
HEC | Tuesdays & Fridays | 1:30pm-2:30pm | HEC-194 |
Tarpon Springs | Tuesdays & Wednesdays | 1:30pm-2:30pm | TS-BE411 |
EpiCenter | Mondays & Fridays | 1:30pm-2:30pm | Epi-Tech 314 (Workforce) |
Downtown | COMING SOON | ||
Midtown | Tuesdays & Wednesdays | 1:30pm-2:30pm | MTJC-225 |
Allstate | Tuesdays & Thursdays | 1:30pm-2:30pm | AC 105 |